Thursday, December 29, 2011


Loving all of the retro-inspired accessories for new technology these days. Because everything doesn't really have to be shiny and silver (or gleaming white) and BORING. Good design is good design and these things work.

The clock dock for iPhone
The V-Luxe iPad dock for ease of video watching.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas traditions

Being our first Christmas as married folk, the mister and I have been busy discussing holiday traditions we grew up with, talking about what we want to carry on for our little family and coming up with new traditions that are our very own.

First, let's just get this out of the way, but presents are to be opened up on Christmas Morning. Not Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day. Christmas Morning. I have fond memories of waking up at approximately 4am (sometimes probably even earlier), sneaking down the hallway into the living room to see all the presents under the tree. My siblings and I would try to locate all of our gifts under the tree (this became such a problem that my parents actually stopped putting names on the gifts, making for some awkward moments when they realized they had given you someone else's present to open), we would peek in our stockings and usually fall asleep on the living room floor before we would dare try to wake up the parents so we could open presents. Those are my memories of Christmas. Those are the memories I want my children to have. So. Christmas Morning.

The next one we decided on is Christmas breakfast. Today it was more of a noontime Christmas brunch, and that is fine by me. It was delicious.

But the most exciting Christmas tradition is the Christmas lights tour. The mister found a website that tracks crazy lights and displays, and put together a map for us to go out and track them down. And let me tell you, there were some beauties.

These people kind of blow my mind. The time, money, and imagination that go into these displays is like nothing I will ever have so visiting these houses is like going to another world. I love it. And it was the perfect way to end our Christmas day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

it's beginning to look a lot like...

New garland I made from pages of an old encyclopedia (they do have a use after all!). Gingerbread shakes, gingerbread lattes, cranberry bliss bars, oh my. Decorating the tree, undecorating the tree, bowl full of balls. The nutcracker gang. Foggy winter mornings. Sugar cookies in my beloved KitchenAid.

It's beginning to look a little bit like Christmas around here. Now if only I could put presents under the tree without the puppy eating them all.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I can't believe it's just a few weeks until Christmas and I haven't posted a single Christmas card! I'm still not really in the holiday mood, but I saw this card today and just loved it so I had to share. The owl and fox are pretty cute, but the mouse just slays me. Precious.