Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm a sucker

Oh to curl up with a good air conditioner and a tasty lollipop. Hey, it's pretty hot over here.

Celebration Time: root beer float, bubble gum, birthday cake

Breakfast Tray: blueberry muffin, sweetened grapefruit, maple sugar, hazelnut coffee

Adventure Pack: pistachio marshmallow, teaberry, nutmeg cream

Spotted on Not Martha

Monday, May 30, 2011

what I wish I was doing (and wearing) today

I hope you all are having a lovely holiday weekend! I'm loving having (most of) my family in town. The mister and I played dinner hosts last night and only messed it up a little bit. There are short bursts of time when I remember what they're here for, but most of the time it just feels like vacation right now. Not that that's a bad thing. Now if I could just get me some burgers and macaroni salad.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

74 (75?) bands

Remember this from years ago? 
How many band names can you find depicted in the image above? See a larger version here) I got to 40 and needed to take a break. Leave a comment and let me know what you find!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

skeleton jewelry

Sure Kim Kardashian can walk around with a rock bigger than the size of her face, but I think I would prefer one of these faux rocks by VraiFaux.
Spotted on Brooklyn Bride.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Dear Leah
Thanks for being a good reminder to appreciate the little things, even things that would seem on the surface to be not so great. It always makes me smile.
All the best,

Thursday, May 26, 2011


The mister bought me flowers yesterday just because. It was some much needed sunshine. :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


There's this thing happening in about a week and a half... what was it again?

Oh yeah, I'm getting married. The mister has mentioned this to me before but I conveniently chose to ignore it: one of my frequently used online identities is The Mel B. It is, for one, the name on my Blogger. And it will no longer be accurate. I will no longer be a B. I will be an F. MF. MDF. Interesting. So the question is, do I really need to go through changing my name online? What do you think?

In other news, I feel like I am getting things done. A little bit, at least. Today I got the cake tray, finished designing and began printing and assembling the programs, worked on the cake toppers and ring pillow (minor finishing touches needed on each), and got a little bit out of control with the knitting but I can't go giving away any secrets just yet. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Future

I love Miranda July, don't you? She's so honest and real and fascinating, awkward, weird, inspiring. This new movie looks like it will not disappoint.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

mini me

Doing a little bit of the obligatory pre-wedding kid photo collecting (who doesn't do this?) and my mom sent some real gems over!

You see that sly, mysterious little look? It reminds me a little bit of this. I've always been a bit of a face-maker it seems.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This peach cake is the yummiest looking thing I have seen in quite some time. And being that I have a serious love affair with cake, and I stress eat, and I'm pretty close to losing my mind until I remind myself (several times) that I have just one more week to go until vacation (getting married vacation!) this thing is pretty much perfection and needs to show up on a platter at home when I get off work tomorrow. Yes.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

finished project!


Hey, remember when I used to knit? Yeah, me too. I should do more of it.

I finished this pretty orange shawl the other day and got it all washed and blocked yesterday, so I am so pleased to announce that I have finished my first knitting project in like 6 months! Hooray for me! I'll try to get some photos of me wearing it so you can see how truly lovely it is. :)

AND in my mad search for fiberfill for another project I have been working on, I came across a giant plastic bin of forgotten yarn and knitting projects. There are finished projects, some things still sitting on the knitting needles (really? how did I let that happen?), and lots of pretty yarn I didn't know I had. So I have that to look forward to as well. I know I promised myself to put some things up for sale on Etsy this year, so there is a good place to start.

And so the To Do list grows...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

new bloggy banner!

I thought this deserved its own announcement since most people read this blog through some sort of feed reader or facebook, and rarely actually look at the blog itself. Hey, I don't blame you. It wasn't very pretty. But I made a lovely new blog banner with a few of my favorite photos that I have taken. I plan to update it every now and then when I feel the need for a new color scheme. Let me know what you think! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wish listing

I would rearrange my entire living room to make room for this bench right here. It's just perfect.

Monday, May 16, 2011

pretty peonies

I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying this home ownership thing. Well, some of it at least. The part that yields pretty flowers for me to pick and bring inside to brighten my days? Love that part.

Look at these beauties!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I just wrote a couple of paragraphs and deleted the whole thing. It's three weeks until the big day and I have to admit that it is starting to get a little bit stressful. Yes, now I know what people are talking about when they say near the end of the wedding planning they sometimes just wished they had eloped. I get it. I don't wish that, but I understand the feeling. There's a lot going on physically, emotionally, and mentally and it is a bit draining. But I am so excited to get married, and I'm so excited to see our family and friends and hopefully have a pretty great party.

Now who can I enlist to put something like this together for Chris's car for our exit? It will look so cute on the Mini. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Abby Berkson

No post yesterday because Blogger was down all night (boo), but all I could think about today was the post I was dying to share last night! I have fallen completely head over heels for on Abby Berkson and her too stinkin cute for words hand painted ceramics.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yangyang Pan

I'm a sucker for heavily textured oil paintings. Something about the layers of paint popping out from the canvas lend an energy to the piece that would otherwise not exist. The paintings above by artist Yangyang Pan fit that bill. So beautiful. I think if I had that first painting in my living room (and it turns out I would love to have that first painting in my living room) I couldn't help but to stare at it for hours.You can also purchase prints and even some original paintings from her etsy shop.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Springtime walk

I am so loving the warm weather these days (except for nights/mornings when it's still only 40 degrees. one of these days I'm hoping to pack away my winter comforter, but not quite yet). So today I decided to actually leave the store on my lunch break (ok fine, I had to go buy food anyway because we haven't been to the grocery store this week to buy lunches. But I then decided to stay out for the whole hour, so yay!) and I took a little walk around the neighborhood. I should do this much more often because apparently people think that because you work somewhere you know where everything within a 30 mile radius is. Don't know where this restaurant is? Well don't you work here? But rather than take on the task of familiarizing myself with local businesses I just took in some scenery instead.

All of these photos were taken within the single block where I work. I didn't even cross the street.
I do love this town.


Photos taken with Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Add me as a friend! (dropandanchor)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mr. Google

Thanks to the mister for bringing today's Google logos to my attention. I loved the Mr Men and Little Miss books when I was younger, and still have a small collection of them to this day. Today is the 76th birthday of the series' creator, Roger Hargreaves.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To my mother and all the other fantastic mothers out there (hey I even had a few strangers wish me a happy mother's day and I'm not even a mother). I love you, mom!

Friday, May 6, 2011

modern quilting

Stunning. Swoon-worthy. Makes me want to learn to quilt, but I'm not going to kid myself into thinking I can duplicate this. Carson Converse Studio via sfgirlbybay

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thomas Paul

I don't think I would ever send these cards to anyone, they are just too pretty to give away!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Party at my house!

Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo (in case you were not aware) and nothing would make me happier than staying home all day hanging streamer garlands for a lovely little party. But alas, I am not so lucky. But just in case you are, Martha Stewart tells you how.

spotted on Hip Hip Hooray!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

They're out!

I just posted the full story of our wedding invitations over on our wedding blog, but of course I wanted to post an abbreviated version here. So if you're happy with just seeing a couple of photos, this will do. If you want to hear a little bit more about what went into it, you need to click here

Without further ado...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

watching the time fly by

Source: None via alaine on Pinterest

This photo has nothing to do with anything except that it's cute.

But can you believe it's May already? This year is flying by like nobody's business so I'm trying to make sure I take some time just to sit back and breathe for a bit. There's still so much to do before the wedding, but we are steadily checking things off the list so that's good. And I will be able to share the invitations with you very soon! Pretty excited about it because we put a lot of love into them. :)

I would say I hope you all are having a great weekend, but it looks like it's cold and nasty pretty much everywhere so oh well. Hope the coming week will serve us better!