Thursday, July 28, 2011

knitting again

Last night I got the urge to knit something new, the kind of urge I haven't had in MONTHS if not YEARS. So I got a little inspiration brewing and am working on a design for a new scarf. I have two designs that I have knit and reknit and knit again, and it was time for something new. Not that I don't love those scarves. I do. But I'm committed to launching an actual line of scarves on etsy this fall, so that means I have got to get moving gosh darn it!

Here's a little sneak peek which gives away absolutely nothing about the final design. I am sneaky that way. :)
There is a potential flaw in the design, but I am still so excited about it that I am pushing forward and hoping I will be able to fix it in the end.

(Oh and remember that last thing I was knitting? It didn't quite work out the way I had anticipated and it is currently functioning as a container for plastic grocery bags. Worth a shot though I guess.)


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