Monday, January 31, 2011


This beauty is already sold out

But this one is calling my name...

Don't know about Gilt yet? It's a bounty of constantly rotating designer goods for men, women, kids, and home at bargain prices! It's invite only, so sign up here and thank me later. ;)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

masking tape graffiti

Conjure a storm
Aeolus' storm
Train train
Bridging gap
 Australian graffiti artist BUFFdiss works entirely with masking tape (?!) creating truly unique, clever, and awesome looking pieces! Check out his Flickr for more photos.
Found via CRAFT

Thursday, January 27, 2011

etsy finds: Thirteen Bees Vintage

This dress wants me to have it. For parties, for photo shoots, for washing dishes. I don't really care. The pleating, cap sleeves, and pretty little bow are too cute for words.

This is just one of many lovely finds at the Thirteen Bees Vintage etsy shop. And bonus A) everything is sorted by decade and B) they give everything cute little names (the dress above is called The Plot Thickens Dress)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

sweeten the deal

Today is one of those days where I don't easily feel inspired by anything, I just want to curl up in a ball and pretend the world doesn't exist. But that's kind of the point of this blog. No matter what else is going on, there has to be something out there to appreciate for some reason or another. Something to spark a little warmth and hope in my heart.

And let me tell you, cupcakes are one of those things.

Specifically, these freaking gorgeous cupcakes over at Desserts for Breakfast. You can find the recipe over there, and bake me some because I need some serious chocolate in my life right now.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sandra Suy

Illustrations by Sandra Suy (link not currently working for some reason, but hoping it comes back up) discovered via Creature Comforts.
Check out her etsy shop.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Diem Chau

Amazing little works by artist Diem Chau. Little creatures painstakingly carved from actual crayons, turning artistic medium upside down. (And she does commissions! What an amazingly fun gift to have a family portrait in carved crayon!)
Spotted on Freckled Nest

Thursday, January 20, 2011

bunny hug!

Ok, I think I just melted a little. This ring is soooo adorable!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little bit jealous

of this amazing tree.

What a magical place to have a party. Or just read a book. Or take a nap. Or whatever.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

more color palette inspiration

A little less blush, a little more peach, still a hefty helping of grey to keep it from being ultra femme... and it's causing me to rethink those wedding colors...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

square 1.0

Among the many things that came with the purchase of the house (need a sofa? a tv?) were an incredible amount of house plants. It seems like every time I turn my head I turn back to find more plants. And I don't know if you know this about me, but I don't get on well with plants. I've been known to kill a cactus (it only happened once!) but here I've found myself responsible for the care of these plants. But the worst part might be the containers (odd vases, pitchers from restaurants I've never heard of, tin pails) they came in that I just can't quite picture anywhere in my house.

These might help, n'est-ce pas?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A funny thing happened on the phone the other day...


Is this Mrs. Fort?


Uhm, yeah?

I didn't really know what else to say, so I just said yes. It was an interesting feeling. I've gotten used to people at work asking about my "husband" and I have stopped correcting them because really, what's the point? But this is officially my first Mrs. Fort experience. 
It has also sparked inside me something I had been vaguely thinking about which is doing some real writing about becoming a wife and what that means. Then I get a little geeked out on the thought of stacks of books and research and notes and highlighters and real writing not just blogging. Yeah, but not any time soon. I'm not crazy enough to think I'm going to have time for that with fixing up a house, planning a wedding, and working full time on top...
So I guess I just wanted to let you know what was on my mind.

Friday, January 14, 2011

new etsy shop alert!

Inspire Lovely promises to do just that, inspire lovely packaging, bits, and bows, decor and paper goods.

The photo styling kills me. Too perfect.

Officially open for business tomorrow 1/15 at 9am Pacific Time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

vintage bottle caps

I get what might be an odd amount of joy from my new desktop wallpaper by Freckled Nest. Many years ago I gathered and collected a large amount of bottle caps while working at a bar. I hot glued them all over a plastic mannequin although I'm not entirely sure why (I had plans to turn it into a lamp but those plans never came to fruition, and even so I don't think it helps to explain a bottle cap covered mannequin). Anyway I think I still have a bag of them hanging out somewhere and I'm toying with the idea of creating art with them. I also happen to have a set of four great frames and nothing to put in them. Maybe...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's about that time

We went out to eat at Red Robin today (impromptu Ikea outing and we needed food) and I was a bit surprised to see they had wasted no time in going all out with their Valentine's decorations. This is not traditionally a holiday that gets a lot of attention a month before its arrival (Is it? Am I crazy?), but I'll go with it mainly because it is a holiday that involves romantic gestures, flowers, sweets, and beautiful paper goods. Mostly the paper goods. Whether we're talking the cheap boxed cartoon cards you get kids to give to their entire class (especially vintage ones! So cute!) or fancy letterpress ones, we all know I can't resist a good card. So here are a few I've picked out of the pack so far.

Rifle Paper Co. (Adore. Always.)

Fred Flare via Poppytalk (In a tin. After my own heart. For reals)